Samstag, 5. Oktober 2013

Some Signs

Some Signs


That Will Tell You


That You Need




For Your Business

Starting in business is not actually the hardest part, but staying in business is. There have been numerous businessmen who started out with grand ideas on how to make their business grow, but they end up filing for bankruptcy within a matter of a few months from the time they commenced business operations. Why is this so?


One thing that these business owners may have missed out is getting a good professional consultant, just like Tony Hakim, to help them figure out the best path that their business should take. So as a businessman who manages your own business, how will you know that it is already the perfect time for you hire a consultant?


Here are some signs that you may already need to solicit the help of professionals like Tony Hakim:


  • Running out of ideas. Many businessmen end up facing a blank wall when they have already reached a certain point in their business. Yes, every businessman has a goal, but what if you have already reached your goal, what will come next? Would you rather let your business stay in status quo and not do anything about it? Where is the challenge in that? If there are no positive changes in your business, your customers or patrons will notice this and may, in the long run, lose interest in your business. So if you feel that you have run out of ideas, try to ask the help of professional consultants.
  • Consecutive losses. If you have seen in your financial statements that for the last two quarters your business has been in the losing streak, then you might consider calling professional help. These professionals can figure out what aspect of your business has brought about such losses and can very well suggest proper courses of action that you can take. Successive losses mean that something is terribly wrong in the way the business is being handled. Calling in professional help to nip such a loss would always be a move in the right direction.
  • Failure to reach ROI. One of the determinative factors in relation to how well the business is doing is its ability to reach its ROI within the shortest possible time. If your business, after being in operations for more than a year, or maybe even for several years now, still has not reached its ROI, then some changes would have to be made in your operations. If you can’t figure out what to do, then getting the help of a professional consultant will be ideal. He can help you analyze the overall status of your business and reach a workable solution that can boost business profits.


One thing that a businessman should do is to take note of everything that is happening to his business. There may be some people running a particular department but it is still your job to take cognizance of things that affect business operations.


If you notice any sign that your business is starting to falter and you no longer know what to do, you can surely ask help of professionals to do timely intervention and bring your business back to its feet.


One thing that these business owners may have missed out is getting a good professional consultant, just like Tony Hakim, to help them figure out the best path that their business should take.


Characteristics Of








If you feel that your business is not going anywhere and the path it is taking is neither up nor down, then perhaps what you need is a professional business consultant who can provide you with new ideas that will help give a boost to your business.


One thing that professional business consultants do is to help you steer your business towards the right direction. If you feel that you have run out of ideas, the consultant will make sure that your business can move towards a more profitable path. If you would like to find a good business consultant, you may want to take a look at the traits that make good consultants, just like Tony Hakim.


  • Good communication skills. One of the traits of professionals is that they have the knack to communicate well with others. They know how to express their ideas and get people to listen to them. More often than not, business consultants can be regarded as an extended part of business. They can help figure out what processes will work, and they can orient people with regards to such processes. He must be very articulate and can clearly define what course of action the business should take.
  • Professional approach in relation to different business concepts. Sometimes businesses would have to be fine tuned to match the demands of the economy. There should always be a ready plan that will make businesses adapt to any situation. That way, the business will continue to thrive even though there would be some economic turmoil that is happening.
  • Visionary. This does not mean that the consultant would be able to predict the future; rather, he can make good calculations on what is the best course for the business based on a given set of factors. Just like Tony Hakim, as a professional consultant, he gets to steer businesses to the right path, ensuring that the path will always be profitable for the business.
  • Experience. Like in everything, experience is always a necessary requirement. It is the one that hones the skills of a consultant, who teaches him what courses of action are profitable and those that are not. His experience will equip him with the right skills on how to deal with various types of problems without compromising the ability of the business to earn profits.   
  • Logical and Practical. A logical approach to any business is always the best way to solve problems. This includes a step-by-step approach that will allow the business to take careful but precise steps. He has the ability to provide solutions that are practical and timely, meeting the needs of present times.


The business arena at present is cutthroat, where you simply need to make leverage whenever you can. This is why businesses would always be in need of a professional consultant who can give the business that edge over competitors. A business consultant can help you figure out the best course to take for your business and ensure that it stays profitable regardless of the time.


If you would like to find a good business consultant, you may want to take a look at the traits that make good consultants, just like Tony Hakim. Just like Tony Hakim, as a professional consultant, he gets to steer businesses to the right path, ensuring that the path will always be profitable for the business.

Top 4 Qualities

Top 4 Qualities Of


A Good


Financing Company


If you are running a business and you have reached that stage where you feel that your finances aren’t simply enough to help you through, then perhaps, you might consider getting a loan from a reputable financing company. You may now be asking, how will you know if that particular company is indeed trustworthy?


Here are some of the most basic qualities that you should look for when you are in the process of searching for the right financing company to secure a loan.


  • Reasonable interest rates. Since the interest rates that financing companies demand may vary, it is now incumbent upon you to look for the one that offers a reasonable rate. There are various types of loan, and most of the time, the rate would depend on the type of loan that you will be availing. For instance, if the loan that you need is of short duration and without any collateral, then you can expect a much higher interest rate. On the other hand, if you want long term loans, then you can also expect lower interest rates. Again, you can always make a comparison between the interest rates offered by one company from another. One good financing institution that could provide you with a reasonable rate is QuickFund. You can always check out their rates and see why they’re considered as a “reasonable” company for your financing needs.
  • Experience. The number of years that a financing company has been in business will tell you whether or not that company is reliable or not. If it has been in business for more than 5 years, then you can say that it was able to maintain a good and worthwhile relationship with its clients, and that it was also able to meet client’s needs. So if they would be good in handling their own affairs, they would also be excellent in helping you out with yours. Just take a look at QuickFund and you will know how experienced financing companies truly behave.
  • Fast processing. If you have heard of nightmare stories concerning those financing companies that take a very long time to process loan applications, then you can be assured that it will be an entirely different story with Quikfund. The company is entirely bent on serving you. It understands the immediacy of every loan application and they act on it without further delay. They know that time is of the essence and have a good grasp of what a single day’s delay can do to your business.
  • Easy applications. One thing that you should look for in a financing company is the set of requirements that they impose on prospective applicants. They normally give each applicant an easy application process so that loans are processed fast and you could get your hands on that much needed cash and apply it for your business.


If you are currently looking for a financing company that can answer your needs, then take note of the four characteristics that are mentioned above. One good example of such is Quikfund. Once your loan is approved, you will be able to make use of the proceeds of the loan and take your business to the next level.


One good financing institution that could provide you with a reasonable rate is QuickFund. One good example of such is Quikfund. Once your loan is approved, you will be able to make use of the proceeds of the loan and take your business to the next level.

Equipment Leasing

Equipment Leasing




Equipment Financing?


Is There A Difference?


If your business primarily depends on the use of a wide array of equipment in order to come up with the products that you manufacture or even the services that you offer, you may need to come up with huge capital in order to answer your equipment needs. This may be quite overwhelming especially if you are a startup business and haven’t even breached your ROI. So what do you do?


You basically have two options other than purchasing equipment outright. These are equipment leasing and equipment financing. One common mistake of many individuals is they get to interchange these two terms. But there is a difference between these two. Let’s take a look at each one.


Equipment Leasing

Equipment leasing is probably one of the most practical ways to secure equipment for your business at a minimal cost. It will allow you to use equipment that you need to sustain operations without having to initially spend so much for it. There are financing companies like Quick Fund that will provide you with the equipment for your business’ use, and all that you would have to do is to pay monthly rentals.


This will not transfer the ownership of the equipment to you by the end of the lease period; however, you will still be able to renew the lease depending on the provisions of the initial lease agreement. The terms of the lease would have to be agreed upon by both parties and everything should be stated in black and while. Make sure that there are no ambiguous terms so that both parties’ interests will be protected.


One thing that makes equipment leasing truly feasible is that the maintenance of the equipment lies with the owner and not with you. So you don’t have to worry about having to maintain the equipment. Of course, as long as you use it properly and according to the terms of the agreement, there is nothing for you to worry about.


Equipment Financing

Equipment financing on the other hand is similar to equipment leasing in a way that you would not be spending huge chunks of cash to get the equipment for your business’ usage. However, it differs on how this type of financing works.


With equipment financing, a financing company, such as Quick Fund, will grant you a loan for the purpose of securing equipment. The catch is that, the collateral that you will be using for the loan is the equipment itself. Yes, this would still entail small and reasonable payments every month, but in the event that you fail to meet your obligations, the equipment will be sequestered by the financing company.


Both equipment leasing and equipment financing can be provided to you by lending companies like Quikfund. You just need to weigh your options so that you can determine which will work best for your business. The former is less risky compared to the latter, but the latter option will give you the chance to own the equipment once it is fully paid. Whatever option you choose, Quikfund will be ready to help you out.


There are financing companies like Quick Fund that will provide you with the equipment for your business’ use, and all that you would have to do is to pay monthly rentals. Both equipment leasing and equipment financing can be provided to you by lending companies like Quikfund.

Some Options

Some Options For


Business Owners


Looking For


Extra Capital Infusion


The economic crunch has left a lot of businesses with a little cash reserve or with none at all. It isn’t a wonder why many establishments have filed for bankruptcy, just so to make everything easier for those manning the business. However, there are also businesses that have survived the turmoil. They were able to overcome the financial troubles that beset their businesses through the help of financing companies such as QuickFund.


If the current status of your business is neither being close to bankruptcy nor somewhere along the line of being called successful, then you may like to take a look at several financing options that you can avail of. A good cash injection, such as the one that you may derive from Quik fund, can be used to expand the reach of your business or simply answer its most pressing needs.


Here are some of the options that you can avail of in terms of additional funding:


  • Bank loans. Normally, this is the first option that comes to the mind of any businessman. While banks can indeed provide you with a huge loan amount, they would also require tons of information and most of the time, a collateral. It is not as simple as filling up a form. You would have to show them cash flow projections so that they will know how you will be able to repay the loan. They would also be requiring tax returns and as much as possible a very good credit rating. If you are prepared to go through all these, then this would be a good avenue for you.
  • Equipment leasing. If you are in need of certain types of equipment for your business’ operation, and you don’t have the cash top purchase equipment outright, then you can opt for this alternative. This will allow you to make use of equipment by paying the company a certain amount of rental every month. The ownership of the equipment stays with the actual owner and you only get to enjoy the use thereof. This is provided by many financing companies today like QuickFund and has been known to answer the needs of many businesses.
  • Instant small business loans. These loans are faster to acquire and are usually considered as “last recourse” loans. This is so because when all other financing institutions that you have gone to failed to give you a loan, you can turn to companies offering this. The interest for such loan is literally higher compared to others in consideration of the high risk that the lender takes whenever granting such type of loan. Lenders will normally deposit the money straight to your bank account and this goes without collateral.


If you are currently considering loaning a certain amount for your business, then look for a financing company that offers you flexible loan options, just like the ones provided by Quik fund. Don’t let all your efforts go down the drain by not doing anything for your business. You can definitely save your business for as long as you get moving and do what you need to do.


A good cash injection, such as the one that you may derive from Quik fund, can be used to expand the reach of your business or simply answer its most pressing needs. This is provided by many financing companies today like QuickFund and has been known to answer the needs of many businesses.


Maximize The Potential




Your Business


In Three Easy Steps


In today’s highly competitive business arena, your organization should always have the edge in order to literally be on top of your counterparts. After all, this is the reason why everyone’s in business, right? It is to make profits and ensure that you retain the top spot just above the rest.


But just like with any business, there are instances when you may feel that your profits aren’t that good or your operations are not running very smoothly. If you are going through this experience at the moment, then take a look at some of the things that you can do in order to boost the status of your business.


  • Check for leaks. This does not mean that somebody’s leaking information to your competitors, it simply means that you trace the root of the problem. Which areas of your organization are going haywire? Is your production going well? Is there some delay due to inadequacy of equipment? Are your people somewhat dissatisfied and are demanding more than what you can actually give them? Are there expenses that are unnecessary but your company is still paying for? These are some of the questions that you may want to answer. These are what you can call as leaks in your entire organization. Be meticulous in solving these problems. Don’t jump the gun. Trace it well and start from the first processes of the entire organization, eventually ending to your customers. In everything, finding the solution always requires recognizing the problem.
  • Seal the leaks. Now that you have found the leaks, it’s time to seal them up. Don’t let these leaks continue dripping, all the while draining the strength of your organization. Mind each leak and make sure that you get to provide the right solution. For instance, if you lack equipment, you can always turn to Quick Fund in order to help you with equipment leasing. If you find out that there are some unnecessary expenses that the company is spending for, then try to cut these expenses and divert the fund to other wholesome endeavors.
  • Consolidate funds. After you have solved the different leaks, try to consolidate your company’s funds. Do you still have the cash that you need to run daily business operations? If you lack in this aspect, look for a good financing company, such as Quikfund in order to help inject cash into your daily operations. If you believe that a substantial amount is needed in order to expand the company’s potential, you can still turn to Quick Fund for that needed cash infusion.


Every business has the potential to become the best that it can be even in the midst of many competitors. You just have to be meticulous about business processes and make sure that at the first sign of a problem, you look for the solution right away. If you believe in your company’s potential and you need funds to help propel it to greater heights, then you can turn to Quikfund to provide that much needed cash injection.


For instance, if you lack equipment, you can always turn to Quick Fund in order to help you with equipment leasing. If you believe in your company’s potential and you need funds to help propel it to greater heights, then you can turn to Quikfund to provide that much needed cash injection.

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Tony Hakim
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