Tony Hakim

Mittwoch, 27. November 2013

Take Control of the Playing Field for Your Success in the World of Business

If you are about to delve into the business world, you probably think that your fire is what will drive you to your success. After all, without real passion, you cannot really reach your full potential right? As a matter of fact, you might have even heard of the stories about the exceptional individuals who, using only hard work, have actually exceeded the most talented entrepreneurs. At least, this is the way they want to tell their story. However, you should have the sense to realize that it takes more than hard work to achieve as much as those who inspire your work.

Opportunity plays a big role in the business industry and professionals like Tony Hakim will be the first ones to tell you that taking advantage of as much as you can come across should be your priority. Once the opportunities are secured within your grasp; that is when you apply your passion as a true entrepreneur. Still, your journey to success will never be as easy as you would want it to be. Even when you have discovered the right approach to your ventures, there will be hurdles that will threaten your attempts at success. What you need to do then is to be persistent and patient at the same time.

There are certain sufferings that you will be exposed to. Here are some tips on how you can push through them and maybe get an advantage in the situations where you least expect it.

  1. Throw Your Fear of Public Speaking Out of the Window

If you are anything like most individuals who are on their early days in the business industry, you would probably be terrified about making your presentations, at least on the inside. This is natural since you will practically be the representation for your business and it is imperative that you make the right impression. This is a typical case of fearing rejection and not the actual idea of public speaking. What you should keep in mind is that if you mess up, you can still move forward as long as you retain confidence.

  1. Set a Goal and Never Stray Away from it

This is something in which people tend to fail at most times. What it takes is discipline and the ability to manage time wisely. The problem that most people have is that when they find that working on their goal is hard, they tend to let it distract them. They would probably try to break away from it, thinking that taking a little time off will not make a difference when it, in fact, does. For real achievers, such as Tony Hakim, the trick is to stick to their priorities. They might not find the totality of it very pleasing but they would not use it as an excuse to stray from their work.

  1. Make Your Own Opportunities

There are times when waiting for an opportunity is just not an option anymore. It might not be easy but doing so is much better than doing nothing at all. This is where your real potential for success will come out.


Expert Advice for a Business Owner

Engaging in a business has its rewards but it is most definitely one of the most complicated undertakings that a person can get involved in. It never becomes easy as the new entrepreneur will quickly have to adjust their business mindset to plan a good startup. Then, even the seasoned businessmen would need to constantly update their strategies in response to the varying factors in the business environment. They need to continuously learn, develop and show versatility because the industry would not make adjustments for them. Despite all of these, anyone who is given the right opportunities certainly would not let go of the chance to start their own business. Like said before, having a business has its rewards and they are simply too great to simply let pass.

In that respect, what these aspiring entrepreneurs need is to learn how to make the intricacies of running a business more manageable. Actually, there are available assistances for such like from the professional Tony Hakim who helps business owners learn the right approaches to business concepts. Anyway, like the professional would suggest himself, it would be best to learn early on about the little things that give significant effects for an individual trying out for a business. For that, here are some of the advices that an expert like Tony Hakim would likely give.

  • Never develop a comfort zone. Though it is good to develop an approach that you can repeatedly use for efficiency, the general rule is to always welcome change. Change is constant, especially in the field of business. You should not just be prepared to take on new methods but you would be better off ready to adjust your niche in the industry if need be. Remember that the most adaptable tends to survive in business and it comes with very good reasons. Ultimately, you might find even greater achievements than what you have set to accomplish if you are able to embrace these changes.
  • Make strong connections. Of course, you would know that you can never make it on your own in life and the truth is the same in the business industry. Finding friends in this environment can be tricky yet totally rewarding when you manage to make the right ones. For all you know, the friendships that you make today will bear a significant weight on your later ventures.
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes but be smart in making them. It might be confusing how you can make mistakes in a smart way but it makes perfect sense. Think about how it is always great to explore uncharted territory. This is an opportunity that is hard to let pass. However, you might also find it hard to let go of the possibility of failing. For that, what you need is a backup plan. To put simply, planning ahead will be your way to make smart mistakes.

These are just some of the advices derived from the real experts of the field. If you were to take serious thought into these, it would not be long before you acquire your business success.

Professional Help for Old and New Entrepreneurs

For both new and long-time business owners, running their enterprise can never be as easy as they want it to be. Despite having all the right skills or the keen interest on the nature of their business, there will always be a lot of obstacles that these entrepreneurs will likely face.

For the entrepreneurs who have just had their startup, the challenge would be at the startup of the business. Since they are still waiting to get started and make profits, they are likely to not have the capital that they need to fund the startup. For that, they need to find a financing solution that is quick and has agreeable terms. This is a challenge in itself because it can be quite hard to trust others with money matters. In any case, help can be acquired for funding the startup business. All it takes is a good eye on who to trust.

Meanwhile, business owners who have long been in operation will be faced with the need to adapt every time the industry goes through a change, which happens constantly. This is why versatility is an important trait for someone who wants to be a successful business owner. With it, they would not easily lose what they have worked hard for through even the most drastic changes in the business scene.

For both types of business owner, the professional; Tony Hakim provides a valuable assistance. Through his professional and personal experiences in the industry, he is able to give the most effective solutions for different business concepts.

A Professional to Equip an Individual with the Right Knowledge in Business

Getting into a business is certainly something that most people would want to do. Here, they can make a lot of profits with a little less effort compared to working as an employee. Supposedly, that is what some people think. Of course, that thought cannot be more wrong. Running a business takes a lot of effort, especially for its owner. It does not even depend too much on the talent or perseverance of the person, though both are important elements as well. Mostly, it is about opportunities and being smart enough to be able to take advantage of each and every one that comes their way.

When the right opportunities are met, it is then that the spirit of the entrepreneur comes into play. Naturally, these opportunities will be nothing more than the prospects that they are if the entrepreneur does not do what they can in order to utilize them. This time, natural talent will also count since it will be a great help for them to figure out how to extend the opportunities even further. 

All points considered, it is definitely a proven fact that managing one’s own business is one intricate matter. If they do not know how to do the right approach, they will most likely fail miserably and all their business ideas and efforts will be for nothing. It is a good thing that professionals like Tony Hakim are there to help out the entrepreneurs who are not as well-equipped with the business knowledge that they need.

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